
the doom of the pending day bullied

my every step  and my mind shot out in a million directions

the mist felt like blades on my face

while my untethered thoughts piled up like delinquent bills

i hung my head to look at my watch with quivery lip

and an angry heart    my tendons moved against me

in an instant i heard her call out my name and my name she called was “good morning”

i turned half way round straightening my frown as to not be maleficent in her space

the heavens did ring and my eyes caused to squint at the beauty of the ages

the halo around her small perfect bow as she cared for her bed of roses

and through my mind crossed the wisdom to know that she was an angel

5 thoughts on “Obaasan

  1. Pingback: Promote Yourself Monday, March 9, 2020 and Round UP, March 2, 2020 | Go Dog Go Café

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