God interprets Guernica

today God tried your

painting method using skies

and tiny trickled

markings on the sand

He got most of the lines right

clouds and horizon

pebbles and calm waves

well what do you think Pablo

looking at His work

thinking not half bad

you suggested a line there

between sky and land

His and your eyes met

creating soft puffs of light

witness of splendor

a channel of water flowing out to sea, with the sun reflecting on the water.
Photo courtesy of Sue Vincent

18 thoughts on “God interprets Guernica

  1. Pingback: God interprets Guernica ~ M. Brazfield #writephoto | Sue Vincent's Daily Echo

  2. Pingback: Photo prompt round-up: Yearning #writephoto | Sue Vincent's Daily Echo

  3. Beautiful writing. How sad that the same struggle still persists in many countries in Europe, the violence may have gone but the hatred is still being fuelled. We need more poems and writing to ensure there is a ‘voice’ that questions 🙂

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